As a registered childminder I aim to work in close partnership with all parents to meet the needs of their children. Maintaining good communication between both parties will aid this. I expect that parents will immediately bring to my attention any aspect of my service they are not happy with so that every effort can be made to resolve the matter. Parents can make a complaint to me verbally, or in writing.
It is a condition of my registration to investigate all written complaints relating to the fulfilment of the Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage and/or the Childcare Register. I will notify the complainant of the outcome within 28 days of the receipt of the complaint.
I display Ofsted’s poster for parents which introduces Ofsted's childcare responsibilities and gives Ofsted contact details. You can complain about my service to Ofsted by calling:
0300 123 4666
Procedure (how I will put the statement into practice)
I will investigate all complaints and notify the complainant of the outcomes of the investigation within 28 days.
I will keep a written record of all complaints and their outcome for at least three years. Confidentiality will be maintained but as required, I will provide Ofsted, on request, with a written record of all complaints within a specified period and the action taken as a result of each complaint.
I will record the following information:
If the complaint cannot be resolved or if the complaint is of a serious nature and you feel you cannot discuss it with me, please contact Ofsted on 0300 123 4666.
Ofsted produces guidance on concerns and complaints about childminders and childcare providers. This is available on provides guidance on the complainant’s right to contact Ofsted.
Childminder’s name
Childminder’s signature
Parent(s)’ name
Parent(s)’ signature
Date policy was written
This policy is due for review on the following date
This policy supports the following EYFS requirements:
Meeting the Early Years Foundation Stage Safeguarding and Welfare Requirements and the requirements of the Childcare Register
Information and Records, Complaints